The Relapse - Potty Training Tips from Paulina!

Posted on February 21, 2016 by Mary Harper Dick | 0 comments

It’s me, Paulina!!

I couldn’t wait to share more of my potty-training knowledge with you, so here goes…

Snag 3: The relapse

A relapse is not uncommon in certain situations.  If you have big life changes coming up, such as a move to a new house, a new nanny being hired, or a baby being born, this may cause a fully potty-trained child to have a relapse.

When choosing a time to begin potty training, such circumstances should be considered, and if possible, potty training should be put off until after things are more settled and a normal routine is again established.

Should a relapse occur in a seasoned potty-goer, remember the ideology of the “Poo Poo Fairy.”   Staying positive is key.  If your child has already graduated as a trainee and said goodbye to me, I will not be able to come to your home to help - which makes me sad.  But you can remind your child that they have already mastered potty-training.  Remind them of how proud we all are and we know they can keep using the big-kid potty.  You might want to re-read my story and remind your child of how I never gave up even though I wasn’t very good at many of the fairy helper talents that I tried to master before I became the Poo Poo Fairy. They can follow my example and never give up, even though we sometimes make mistakes!!

If you as parents really think it is best, I can come back to visit for a day or two.  But I suggest doing that only if my trainee truly needs me!

Good Luck!  And have a magical day!!


Posted in Potty Training with Paulina!



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